

今回は納車したてのCBR1000RR-R FIREBLADE SPのマスターシリンダーを交換します。
This time, we will be replacing the master cylinder of the newly delivered CBR1000RR-R FIREBLADE SP.
We will be replacing the Brembo RCS Master that was previously installed on another vehicle.

ブレンボ RCS コルサコルタ ラジアル ブレーキマスターシリンダー φ19 レバーレシオ 18/20mmを使用します。約3年使用、外して2か月保管だったので、オーバーホールを行ってからの装着になります。
Uses Brembo RCS Corsa Corta radial brake master cylinder φ19 lever ratio 18/20mm. I used it for about 3 years, removed it and stored it for 2 months, so I will install it after overhauling it.

Space is no problem. RCS is only recommended by the manufacturer.
The genuine master size is 13mm. 13! ?You may have to look twice, but isn’t this a common occurrence with recent SS models? And this is what it looks like when you hold it↓

Even if the caliper piston is small, the stroke will be large. For me, that is “Gentle Master”. Because I remember the early 1990s, when everyone had an RC master and very hard touch was the rage, whether it was single disc or double disc. I’ve never actually driven one, so I’m looking forward to seeing what it’s like.

↓And this is the RCS master I installed this time. It has changed amazingly. According to this user, “It might be good to get used to the stock version, but when I get up to speed, I can’t get the timing right, I have to be careful at the braking point, and the tempo is one step behind.I’ve solved these problems.” I see. However, please be careful on public roads ^^;

The hose is genuine. The tank is a small S15 type (exit diagonal) and the stay used in the previous vehicle was replaced. By the way, if it is a genuine tank, it can be installed as is.

This work taught me the latest information about the latest vehicles. thank you very much!
