今回はZ1000MKⅡに装着済のバックステップに付属しているNISSINマスターを、ゲイルスピード のリアマスターに交換します。NISSINNマスターにブレンボ2POTを使用すると、ストロークが浅く、硬めのタッチとなってしまいます。
This time, we will replace the NISSIN master that comes with the back step installed on the Z1000MKⅡ with the ”GALE SPEED” rear master. If you use Brembo 2POT with NISSINN Master, the stroke will be shallow and the touch will be stiff.
The standard master cylinder included is 1/2 (approx. 12.7φ). The Brembo 2POT caliper we will use this time has a 34mm piston, and this is the movement ↓
I tried stubbing my toe, but I couldn’t go any further. However, no matter how much I press the brakes, the effectiveness of the brakes does not seem to change.
↑This is the master cylinder we will be using this time. (There is no image of the master alone, so please refer to the manufacturer’s website)
The master cylinder body was also made smaller, and a stay was made to offset the push rod and change the brake switch position.Here is the movement after installation ↓
I’m sorry that the video is very difficult to understand. It’s very hard to see, but please compare it with the video of the master cylinder that comes with it. You may be able to understand this by comparing the movement of the back step and push rod link bolts. It’s hard to see though…
GALE SPEED’s Rear Master was also available at the mass retailer at my previous job. I feel that there were many users who purchased and installed Brembo 2POT rear calipers. If you combine Brembo, high performance! It was supposed to be, but there were many problems when installing it. Before GALE SPEED Master was announced, I always told users that it would be a hit.
During this time, I came across the innovative GALE SPEED Master, and the results were satisfactory to both myself and my users.
This is just my personal opinion. Preferences for touch and effectiveness will vary depending on master cylinder selection m..m