XJR1300 プラグ交換です。約15000km走行。一度もプラグを交換していません。最近始動性も悪く、エンジンをかけた瞬間に黒煙が出るし、キャブの不調車くらいガスが臭いまずは交換前。↓
XJR1300 plug replacement. Traveled approximately 15,000km. I have never replaced the plug. Lately, I’ve had trouble starting, and the moment I start the engine, black smoke comes out, and the gas smells as bad as a car with a malfunctioning carb.First of all, before replacing it.↓
And after exchange↓
The plugs used for the XJR1300 this time are iridium plugs. A muffler with good clearance will produce some afterfire during severe engine braking. The oil temperature is stable, and it’s a little after-sales, so I don’t worry about it, but if I start to worry about it, I’ll consider rewriting the subcomputer or CPU. The plug I removed also had a little bit of soot and gasoline on it. They did their best to ignite it. thank you for your hard work.
Replacing the plugs on the XJR1200 & 1300 is a little difficult.It is necessary to raise the gas tank and loosen the plug duct to free it. It’s easy once you get used to it, but be careful with injection models, as if you raise the tank too high, you’ll break the gasoline hose joint coming out of the pump.
The claw of the duct is caught in the part inside the yellow frame, so remove the bolt fixed to the back of the oil cooler and slide the entire duct in the direction of travel to remove it.