前回に引き続き、HYPERMOTARD 698 MONOのカスタムです。今回は”EVOTECH PERFORMANCE”製アンダーガードの取り付けです。
Continuing from last time, this is a customization of HYPERMOTARD 698 MONO. This time we will install an under guard made by “EVOTECH PERFORMANCE”.

さすが”Made in Germany”だけあって、製品をパッケージから出すまでのワクワク感は昔から変わりません。しかも取説は無し。やはり3R行動の国だけあって、ペーパーレスが進んでいるようです。ただ、この製品は取り付けも簡単にできそうです。
As you would expect from a product that is “Made in Germany,” the feeling of excitement from taking the product out of the package remains the same. And there is no instruction manual. As expected from a country that practices 3R activities, paperless society seems to be progressing. However, this product seems to be easy to install as it is easy to install.

There are a lot of screws, so screw locking agent is a must.

This is what the main body looks like when assembled roughly.

There are a total of 5 holes for attaching to the car body.
↑This is the right side

↑This is the left side. Attach the brackets to the front two locations.
By the way, the engine case bolts are made of aluminum. According to Mr. Y from Ducati Tokyo Bay, the case bolt is treated as a consumable item and cannot be reused once removed. As an ordinary person, I cannot fully understand Ducati’s design philosophy. However, it is also interesting, and I find it fun to learn the differences little by little through trial and error.

↑Like this Of course, bolts are also included.

↑Before installation

↑After installation

↑Before installation

↑After installation
Overall fit was good and the installation time was quick.
Also, be sure to have T30 Torx and screw locking agent ready!
