小泉 陽也
〒133-0052 東京都江戸川区東小岩3丁目17−9
(株)アースプロテクト 工場内
電話 080-5033-3621
Ten Win Japan
I have been selling motorcycle supplies for over 30 years, surrounded by many customers, business partners, and staff connected through motorcycles.
The knowledge and sensibilities I have gained while working closely with everyone are treasures.
With many years of experience, we have made a new start in order to support users who have a fondness for their vehicles, but cannot move them due to discontinued parts, and want to clean them up. Although I am over 50 years old, I still hope to continue having fun with my users.
Haruya Koizumi
3-17-9 Higashikoiwa, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo Japan 133-0052
Inside the Earth Protect Co., Ltd. factory
Phone +81-08-5033-3621
Ten Win Japan