今回は DUCATI HYPERMOTARD 698 MONOにブレーキパッドラジエターという画期的な商品の取り付け依頼となりました。
This time, we installed a revolutionary product called a brake pad radiator on the DUCATI HYPERMOTARD 698 MONO.

Structurally, it is sandwiched between the brake pad and the caliper piston, and the principle is that the heat generated by the brake pad is guided from the plate to the fins, where it is radiated. The fins are machined from aluminum. It is arched.







どのくらいの効果があるかは、走り込まないとわかりませんが、取扱いメーカーの ” i motorcycle japan “様の紹介ページを見る限り、性能やパッドの消耗比は良くなっているようです。
The product was a perfect fit and was installed well.
*I forgot to leave it in the image, but I cleaned the piston and caliper afterwards m..m
You won’t know how effective it is until you ride it, but from the introduction page of the manufacturer “i motorcycle japan”, it seems that the performance and pad wear ratio have improved.
I’m concerned about the weight…↓

Approximately 100g for 2 pieces (1 set of calipers). Some people may be concerned about the weight increase, but the customer who installed it this time said, “Even though it’s an unsprung weight, I only drive on paved roads, so I don’t mind the 100g increase.” We will notify you of the results later.